Drama In Church! Bride Ran Away During Her Wedding Ceremony Because She Found Out That Her Groom Was A Taxi Driver


Today’s article is going to talk about a bride running away from her groom on their wedding day but not the other way round.

Have you ever seen a bride or s groom been left on the altar ? We have heard several about grooms who usually leave brides stranded on the alter without any good reasons. When such things happened mostly the woman turns out not to give any man another chance on their life or some even get depress as a result of the trauma they went through. 

Talk about being left at the altar, the story of a young woman who just could not allow herself to be married to a man she thought she knew very well and he turned out to be something different all together.

Cynthia Budeli from Ngudza in Venda was very much excited to be marrying the love of her life. Everything was being arranged according to plans and the family and the community came to witness the union between Cynthia and her groom.


But Cynthia was shocked upon seeing the friends of her groom who turned out to be taxi drivers. According to Cynthia she knew her groom to be working at a bank which is located at Venda because that was what the groom made her believed. So she taught of not being able to start up a married life with her husband based on lies so instead of her to say "yes I do" , she decided to run away from the church. 

Thanks for reading..

Do you ever refused or run away on your wedding day because your partner didn’t tell you the truth about him or herself? Send us your comments and opinions in the comments section below...

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